Transport planning for a future-orientated mobility in your region

With the help of data-driven analyses and simulations, we create a well-founded depiction of the current mobility and supply situation in your region and use this to formulate meaningful objectives.

70 million

data points in the ioki data warehouse

More than 100

analytics projects implemented


simulation tools developed in-house

In 7

European countries

Integrated transport planning from Germany

Benefit from our years of experience in data-driven mobility analyses when planning mobility in your region. Our database with over 70 million data points is unique in Europe and forms the basis for sustainable, efficient and innovative transport planning. The experienced, interdisciplinary Mobility Analytics & Consulting team combines public transport industry knowledge with big data and state-of-the-art technologies for multimodal optimisation of transport services.

Integrated transport planning from Germany

Benefit from our years of experience in data-driven mobility analyses when planning mobility in your region. Our database with over 70 million data points is unique in Europe and forms the basis for sustainable, efficient and innovative transport planning. The experienced, interdisciplinary Mobility Analytics & Consulting team combines public transport industry knowledge with big data and state-of-the-art technologies for multimodal optimisation of transport services.

70 million

data points in the ioki data warehouse

More than 100

analytics projects implemented


simulation tools developed in-house

In 7

European countries

From the status quo to a
forward-looking mobility mix

From the optimisation of existing public transport services to the addition of car sharing, e-scooters and rental bikes, or the introduction of an integrated on-demand system: with our analytical approach, we will find the answers to your questions.

Who is travelling where and when?
What form of mobility do they choose?

How efficient is my current service and how well does it serve existing mobility needs?

Which area is best suited for the integration of on-demand solutions?

How can I optimise my offer economically?

How can I optimise my offer ecologically?

What measures can help to achieve a favourable modal split for public transport?

Our services at a glance

Our services at a glance

We want to understand the local situation in order to design an efficient mobility offering. For a successful mobility transition, we put the user at the centre of our work. This enables us to work with you to optimise and plan operations and assess the impact on mobility behaviour before any changes are implemented.

ioki Analytics products in use

Identifying deficits

in public transport

Planning a new

on-demand service

Coordinate scheduled and on-demand services

Optimising existing transport operations

Creating a mobility concept or local public transport plan

Evaluating different future transport scenarios

Optimally position locations according to demand

Planning a

Mobility Hub

Our focus in every single mobility analysis is the development of individual and customised recommendations. Our aim is not to adapt fixed models to any given region, but rather to find real solutions to actual problems within the context of the selected area and its population and infrastructure.

Michael Wurm
Director Mobility Analytics & Consulting
ioki GmbH

Get advice from our experts now

Join us in shaping the future of mobility for your existing transportation network or develop new ideas with our experts. We look forward to hearing from you.