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Perspectives from Julian Renninger (SBB) and Christine Mauelshagen (Swiss Transit Lab)

Perspectives from Julian Renninger (SBB) and Christine Mauelshagen (Swiss Transit Lab)

At the end of November 2024, the Canton of Zurich and SBB announced a pilot project for automated driving in public transport in Furttal near Zurich. The aim of the project is to gain practical insights into automated mobility services in public transport. The Swiss Transit Lab is responsible for the project management. As ioki, we provide the on-demand software for the future project. In our latest “Perspectives from” we talk to the project managers Julian Renninger (SBB) and Christine Mauelshagen (Swiss Transit Lab) about the most recent project for autonomous driving in Switzerland.

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What is a railway station of the future?

What is a railway station of the future?

Railway stations of the future (known in German as ‘Zukunftsbahnhöfe’) are modern mobility hubs that go far beyond the classic function of a train station. Deutsche Bahn is developing stations across Germany into these innovative mobility hubs as part of its ‘Zukunftsbahnhof’ programme, focused on three key characteristics: customer-oriented for greater attractiveness, high-performing to accommodate more travellers, and sustainable in construction and operation. As part of this targeted modernisation programme, selected stations are being developed into attractive transport hubs according to uniform standards.

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Perspectives from the model region Saarland

Perspectives from the model region Saarland

How can public transport be made fit for the future? In the model region of Saarland, innovative mobility solutions are being tested for this very purpose. With their data-driven analysis, the Mobility Analytics and Consulting team from ioki has provided crucial input to drive forward sustainable and practical concepts. Still have questions about the model region? We do too. That’s why we have asked them here:

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What is line-based DRT?

What is line-based DRT?

Line-based demand-responsive transport (DRT) combines the benefits of traditional scheduled services with the flexibility of on-demand transport. Unlike conventional bus services with fixed schedules and stops, this type of service adapts to passenger demand.

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What is GTFS-Flex?

What is GTFS-Flex?

GTFS stands for General Transit Feed Specification and is an open data standard. Transport companies around the world use this standard to provide their traffic data on routes, timetables, tariffs, but also real-time information. This allows passengers to see if a bus is delayed and is not limited to a local app when searching for a public transport connection.

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Perspectives from Martin Grosch

Perspectives from Martin Grosch

Martin has been with ioki for more than two years. As a Senior Transport Planner in the Mobility Analytics & Consulting team, he mainly focuses on demand-responsive transport, mobility concepts and local public transport plans. He is also responsible for other interesting topics such as the internationalisation of the team’s product portfolio. The innovative local public transport plan project in and around Wiesbaden is exciting and innovative in many ways.

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On stage for the first time: ioki insights live – moving mobility together

On stage for the first time: ioki insights live – moving mobility together

On 11 April 2024, we opened our doors to more than 50 customers. ioki insights – a regular webinar and information series for existing customers, as well as other formats – live and in colour for the first time. Mobility experts from all over Germany travelled to the event to gain first-hand impressions of the ioki product world as well as insights into on-demand transport and new mobility. Of course, there was also plenty of opportunity for networking and dialogue.

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Perspectives from Henrik Umnus

Perspectives from Henrik Umnus

The recently announced partnership between ioki and Vesputi promises innovations in the field of mobility services. Passengers can now buy their tickets directly in the on-demand apps from ioki. But what does this actually look like in reality? We spoke to Henrik Umnus, Managing Director of the Verkehrsbetrieb Greifswald GmbH. A year ago, the on-demand service “Friedrich” took to the streets of Greifswald and has been transporting passengers without a fixed timetable ever since. Now passengers can book their public transport tickets directly in the on-demand app. Have fun reading!

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