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More efficiency through on-demand transport

More efficiency through on-demand transport

People are more often online and more connected than ever – many companies take advantage of this situation. In this context, the usage of data as a basis for decision-making is also increasing and there is a growing consideration for the individual concerns of each and every person: The focus on the consumer is growing steadily and thus becoming an important part when it comes to product design. Inevitabily, mobility service providers have to (and should want to) keep up with this trend.

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Perspectives from Professor Stephan Rammler

Perspectives from Professor Stephan Rammler

Stephan Rammler is Professor of Transportation Design & Social Sciences at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig and since October 2018 Scientific Director of the IZT – Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment. He, is also the founder of the Institute for Transportation Design (ITD) with mobility and futurology as its focal points. He received the 2016 ZEIT Prize “Courage for Sustainability” for his work on environmentally friendly transportation, in the category Knowledge.

We spoke with Professor Rammler about researching the future, the concept of mobility in general, and current events and their significance for a possible new understanding of mobility.

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Mobility is a matter of mind #stayconnected

Mobility is a matter of mind #stayconnected

We are always on the run: After work to our favorite place in the city, in the middle of the week to a business appointment once across the republic, on the weekend a short trip to a European metropolis and in the Easter holidays family vacation in the mountains…

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City of the future: What will our mobility look like?

City of the future: What will our mobility look like?

Green, environmentally neutral and connected – these are the demands on the city of tomorrow. At the same time, people’s quality of life is to be improved and the ecological footprint reduced. Experts from all over the world are thinking about the so-called Smart Cities. In all scenarios, one thing remains clear: everyone wants to remain mobile.

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Free public transport – Our neighbours show the way

Free public transport – Our neighbours show the way

The idea of establishing free public transport is currently on everyone’s lips. But is this THE solution? Luxembourg, our neighbouring country and hardly bigger than Saarland, is leading the way and with its 600,000 inhabitants it is the first country in the world to introduce free local public transport. What do people hope to gain from the experiment?

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Bye car, hello traffic turnaround!

Bye car, hello traffic turnaround!

The hours of motorised individual transport seem to be numbered – at least in the metropolises of this world! The recently published study “Mobility Futures” by the Kantar market research institute shows that by 2030 the proportion of car drivers in cities will fall from current 51% to 46%.

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Ideas for more mobility in the countryside

Ideas for more mobility in the countryside

Around 16 million people (as of November 2018) live in rural regions throughout Germany and it is still not easy for them to get from A to B. Without an own car, they often do not get far. This is because bus and train connections and the associated timetables are often not designed as needed and are not flexible.

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Autonomous driving – a brief stocktaking

Autonomous driving – a brief stocktaking

Anyone who thought of the year 2020 20 years ago probably had in mind, autonomous cars that would be romping all around on the streets. Today’s reality, however, teaches us otherwise and proves that the situation is much better: Although we are continuously on the right track, there is still no question of autonomous vehicles dominating the road traffic.

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Newest article

Easy on the road with the ioki Vehicle App: an insight into the navigational app for demand-responsive transport

Easy on the road with the ioki Vehicle App: an insight into the navigational app for demand-responsive transport

The ioki Vehicle App is an important part of the ioki Platform alongside the ioki Passenger App and the ioki Operator. It has been specially developed to ensure the smoothest possible journey for drivers, a comfortable journey for passengers and efficient operations for transport companies.
Currently, the implementation of on-demand transport is often associated with a high level of bureaucracy and paperwork. This is eliminated by using the ioki Platform and the app.