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Green Fleet

Green Fleet

Fleet management follows social and economic trends: New forms of work, digitization and the shift in values towards a greater understanding of sustainability are having an impact on the design of company-organized mobility. But what does this constant change in mobility structures mean for companies and where are the opportunities?

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The Vienna Model

The Vienna Model

Vienna’s public transport system is among the best in the world. The network is dense and the frequency is tight. It is so well developed that you don’t even need to know the timetable. A total of 2.61 million people are transported from A to B by public transport here every day. The popularity can also be seen in the modal split, because: The public transport users have overtaken the car drivers. Around 38 percent of the distances are covered by public transport, while “only” 27 percent are covered by car. But what makes vienna different from other cities?

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Perspectives from Jakob Muus

Perspectives from Jakob Muus

Jakob Muus is the founder and CEO of Tracks, a Berlin-based tech company with the goal of making road freight transport more efficient and sustainable through modern technologies. The platform developed by Tracks provides its users with analyses and recommendations for action, with which they can reduce the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of their fleet. This not only improves the environmental balance but also the competitiveness of participating companies.

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Mobility in the city

Mobility in the city

An ever increasing urbanization of our society is clearly visible. Young people in particular are increasingly moving their centre of life from rural regions to the cities. In addition, there are many commuters who do not want to live directly in the urban jungle, but who find well-paid jobs mainly in the cities. This congestion in the cities and the associated additional traffic flows have consequences – especially for our increasingly grey planet. But what challenges must urban public transport face in times of the mobility change? And what role will it itself play in this?

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What’s green? The Deutsche Bahn

What’s green? The Deutsche Bahn

Whether in the city or in rural areas, everyone agrees on one thing: to protect our planet, we all need to become greener again. Not only in the household many people are making an effort to consume wisely and are once again considering whether they should use plastic bags or eat meat every day. There is also a rethink on mobility issues. Especially for Generation Z, travelling by plane is no longer “state of the art”. Last year, the DB recorded 150.7 million customer trips which also shows that many people care about their green footprint.

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Modern mobility in rural areas

Modern mobility in rural areas

Almost 16 million people live in rural regions throughout Germany. For them it is often a difficult task to get from A to B by public transport. After all, rural regions are at the back of the queue when it comes to expanding public transport. But why is the accessibility of these regions so poor and public transport hardly an alternative? How can it be guaranteed that people living in rural areas can also be mobile in a climate-friendly and cost-effective way?

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Perspectives from Tijen Onaran

Perspectives from Tijen Onaran

Tijen Onaran is the founder of the company Global Digital Women. Here, she is committed to the networking and visibility of women in the digital industry. In addition, Tijen advises companies on diversity issues, publishes articles in well-known media outlets such as Manager Magazine and moderates various events on topics of current interest to her.

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Mobility between effectiveness and efficiency

Mobility between effectiveness and efficiency

Don’t worry, in this article we will not refresh the basics of business studies again. Rather, we would like to examine the extent to which the theory, which may already be somewhat dusty but is still valid and authoritative, can be combined with our daily practice, the transformation of public transport.

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Perspectives from Silke Höhl

Perspectives from Silke Höhl

Silke Höhl is a PhD student at the Research Lab for Urban Transport (ReLUT) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The construction and industrial engineer won the “Best Idea 2019” competition at the Allianz Pro Schiene Innovation Award 2019. Her concept: an innovative parcel delivery service. Hereby, the idea is not to create a new transport infrastructure, but to use public transport that is already well developed in the cities. The idea: underground and tramways take care of transporting the parcels to the city centres and a load wheel takes care of the last few kilometres to the front door.

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With digital solutions towards profitable public transport

With digital solutions towards profitable public transport

Mobility is often still a resource-intensive undertaking – in every respect: Too many cars on the road cause a high level of environmental pollution, loosely set timetables mean an immense loss of time and excessively large containers and empty runs – especially in rural areas and at off-peak times – take their financial toll.

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Corona crisis: A gamechanger during climate change?

Corona crisis: A gamechanger during climate change?

Better air, blue skies and significantly fewer vehicles on the roads: The Corona crisis has given our planet a little well-earned rest. This is because of the positive effects in terms of lower CO2 emissions during the pandemic. A recent study shows that the restrictions on public life have also reduced global emission numbers drastically.

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Perspectives from Joachim Rodenkirch, Mayor of the city of Wittlich

Perspectives from Joachim Rodenkirch, Mayor of the city of Wittlich

Joachim Rodenkirch has been the mayor of the district town of Wittlich since 2009. A town with 20,000 inhabitants, which offers almost as many jobs, making Wittlich the economic powerhouse between Trier and Koblenz. Rodenkirch studied forestry, is a member of the district council and represents the interests of medium-sized towns on the board of the Rhineland-Palatinate Association of Towns and Cities. As mayor he has both witnessed and promoted many developments in the city. In 2018 the innovative project Wittlich Shuttle was launched.

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