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26. May 2021
/ Germany
Digital mobility solutions for Europe from Europe
The mobility transformation in Europe must be driven forward through modern, digital and inner-European platform solutions in order to create a real added mobility value. This added value can only be created through the development of holistic software solutions that enable public authorities and (transport) companies to integrate new forms of mobility across different modes of transport.

Safety as a core element
Mobility platforms for European transport must be backed by strong investors from the mobility industry who have a genuine interest in developing and rethinking European mobility infrastructures. We believe that mobility-related business models need to be thought beyond the purely commercial purpose and that new solutions can only be adequately developed from the industry for the industry. Also, when it comes to processing data, we see that the business location plays an important role and can become a decisive competitive advantage. With a core data infrastructure located in Europe, all processed data falls under the European “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR), which uniformly regulates the use of all personal data and protects it. The right of data portability enables our partners to transfer personal data between service providers and thus enables them to fully exploit the economic potential of mobility-related data.

Demand identification through data
Data-driven mobility analyses make it possible to move the planning of new forms of mobility away from supply-centric planning towards a customer-centric orientation. This is essential because mobility needs differ greatly from region to region and cannot be handled with a “one-fits-all-solution”. Identifying local needs cannot be compared to looking for a needle in a haystack. Microscopic mobility analyses can precisely identify optimisation potentials. Software providers have to face these potentials with solutions that are always further developed and adapted within the project framework.

Further software development is particularly important because operational vehicle guidance will be increasingly eliminated in the future and the call for interface systems between autonomously driving vehicles and booking applications is becoming louder and louder.

Our mobility vision for Europe
Especially because the development of new mobility services such as on-demand transport and autonomous vehicles in public transport is progressing so quickly, our goal is to build a pan-European mobility ecosystem in which all participants benefit from each other. Nationally with strong partners like Postauto in the south, RMV in the middle of Germany and VHH in the north.

But our vision goes further. Transport companies should also benefit from each other internationally and USP’s should be passed on: from the UK to Switzerland, from Switzerland to Spain, from Spain to Germany and so on.

Our work in Europe is already paying off. Thus, ioki has already been awarded the German National Award for Mobility and MUFMI powered by ioki has been awarded with the Spanish National Award for Mobility. We look forward to continuing to drive the development of European mobility – for a strong, truly mobile Europe.

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