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/ Reading: 2 min.
Nov 16, 2018
/ Deutschland
ioki Mobility Network
Mobility as a Service, alternative technologies and autonomous driving – all these are important parts of the mobility revolution that Germany must not ignore.

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This is why we have founded an open business-network for members as well as companies, cities, municipalities and transport companies, which is concerned with thinking mobility in a new and holistic way – the ioki Mobility Network.

As Germany’s first exclusive on-demand community, we would like to exchange ideas on exciting topics related to the mobility revolution and shape the future of mobility together with strong partners. Would you like to become a member or partner of the ioki Mobility Network? Then apply on our website


Do you need more information about ioki and our smart mobility solutions? We have exactly what you need, so just get in touch with us. Your contact:

Xenia Rowley

Tel. ​+49 (0)152 321 071 44