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What is… New Mobility?

What is… New Mobility?

« New Mobility » is often referred to as « smart mobility » and is a collective term for many innovations relating to technology and mobility. These new mobility services combine digitalisation with traditional mobility and use the advantages of the internet. New mobility services include bike sharing, demand-responsive transport, ride hailing and smart parking.

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Senior-friendly public transport: What should age-appropriate public transport look like?

Senior-friendly public transport: What should age-appropriate public transport look like?

Europe’s population is ageing. in 2019, more than a fifth (20.3 per cent) of the EU-27 population was at least 65 years old. And the trend is still rising. Demographic change is a challenge for public transport, but it can also be an opportunity for growth with a customised mobility offer for senior citizens. After all, if older people no longer drive, they are increasingly dependent on public transport in order to continue to actively participate in social life.

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What is … a Mobility Hub?

What is … a Mobility Hub?

Mobility Hubs, also known as Mobility stations, are publicly accessible locations where various modes of transport and sharing services converge. These can be S-Bahn (suburban train) and subway stations in an urban context, or even a bus stop in the countryside where rental bikes are available or important bus routes intersect. At these stations, people can easily switch from one mode of transport to another. Mobility hubs promote efficient and sustainable mobility by offering various mobility services, otherwise known as Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). The concept can be expanded from a simple bus stop to large Mobility Hubs, for example, with a combination of on-demand transport, car sharing stations, or e-scooters.

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Mobility on holiday – first & last mile in tourist regions

Mobility on holiday – first & last mile in tourist regions

Holidays without mobility are only possible on staycations, because no matter whether it’s a day trip, an annual holiday or a long-term trip: Travelling means being mobile. In order to achieve the climate protection goals and to advance the traffic turnaround, tourist traffic should also be critically examined, because Germans like to travel a lot.

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What is … level 1-5 of autonomous driving?  

What is … level 1-5 of autonomous driving?  

Autonomous driving has been considered one of the major trends in the mobility industry for years. According to a representative survey conducted by the digital association Bitkom in 2021, 99.8 percent of respondents can imagine using an autonomous means of transport*. But what does it actually mean when car manufacturers send the first systems for highly automated driving on the road at level 3 and level 4 autonomous shuttles reinforce public transport in Germany on demand from 2023 onwards?    

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Corporate Mobility in 2023: flexible solutions instead of classic company transport or company cars

Corporate Mobility in 2023: flexible solutions instead of classic company transport or company cars

For a long time, the company car was considered the non-plus-ultra and was often the only mobility offer employees could expect from their employer. In 2023, more flexible mobility solutions such as digital demand-responsive company transport, job bikes and mobility budgets are gaining ground. Rising energy prices, stricter environmental and climate protection regulations as well as greater sustainability awareness among employees are also contributing to the need for companies to rethink their corporate mobility management.

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Planning mobility for rural areas: What about public transport in England, Wales and Scotland?

Planning mobility for rural areas: What about public transport in England, Wales and Scotland?

55 million German citizens living in suburban and rural areas do not have access to attractive public transport offerings. This was the result of our mobility analysis of public transport in Ger-many. But what about public transport in England, Wales and Scotland? Our transport planners investigated this question. Around 450,000 weekday trips from timetables of over 300,000 stops in England, Wales and Scotland were analysed. The result: in all three parts of the country (except London), less than 20 per cent of the population have access to attractive public transport.

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What is… a local public transport plan?   

What is… a local public transport plan?   

A local public transport plan is a planning instrument in which all performance and quality criteria for the operation of local public transport in an area are acquired. The local transport plan analyses the existing mobility offer and serves as a guideline for the future development of local mobility. 

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What is… New Mobility?

What is… New Mobility?

« New Mobility » is often referred to as « smart mobility » and is a collective term for many innovations relating to technology and mobility. These new mobility services combine digitalisation with traditional mobility and use the advantages of the internet. New mobility services include bike sharing, demand-responsive transport, ride hailing and smart parking.