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Do we still need our own car? What will our cityscape look like in 20 years? What needs do rural regions have? Which clever minds in the industry think mobility and how? And what do on-demand services and mobility analytics have to do with all this? Questions that we ask ourselves every day in our work and to which we – at least now and then – note our answers and thoughts. For you, for us, for exciting impulses, for more mobility and less traffic. 

Perspectives from Martin Grosch

Perspectives from Martin Grosch

Martin has been with ioki for more than two years. As a Senior Transport Planner in the Mobility Analytics & Consulting team, he mainly focuses on demand-responsive transport, mobility concepts and local public transport plans. He is also responsible for other interesting topics such as the internationalisation of the team’s product portfolio. The innovative local public transport plan project in and around Wiesbaden is exciting and innovative in many ways.

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Easy on the road with the ioki Vehicle App: an insight into the navigational app for demand-responsive transport

Easy on the road with the ioki Vehicle App: an insight into the navigational app for demand-responsive transport

The ioki Vehicle App is an important part of the ioki Platform alongside the ioki Passenger App and the ioki Operator. It has been specially developed to ensure the smoothest possible journey for drivers, a comfortable journey for passengers and efficient operations for transport companies.
Currently, the implementation of on-demand transport is often associated with a high level of bureaucracy and paperwork. This is eliminated by using the ioki Platform and the app.

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On stage for the first time: ioki insights live – moving mobility together

On stage for the first time: ioki insights live – moving mobility together

On 11 April 2024, we opened our doors to more than 50 customers. ioki insights – a regular webinar and information series for existing customers, as well as other formats – live and in colour for the first time. Mobility experts from all over Germany travelled to the event to gain first-hand impressions of the ioki product world as well as insights into on-demand transport and new mobility. Of course, there was also plenty of opportunity for networking and dialogue.

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Perspectives from Henrik Umnus

Perspectives from Henrik Umnus

The recently announced partnership between ioki and Vesputi promises innovations in the field of mobility services. Passengers can now buy their tickets directly in the on-demand apps from ioki. But what does this actually look like in reality? We spoke to Henrik Umnus, Managing Director of the Verkehrsbetrieb Greifswald GmbH. A year ago, the on-demand service “Friedrich” took to the streets of Greifswald and has been transporting passengers without a fixed timetable ever since. Now passengers can book their public transport tickets directly in the on-demand app. Have fun reading!

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Perspectives from Milena Akemann

Perspectives from Milena Akemann

Milena works as a Technical Product Manager in the Mobility Analytics & Consulting team. She came to ioki through an internship after completing her maths degree. As a mathematician, she has a passion for anything related to optimisation and it was important to her to use her skills to shape the future. She then discovered the area of mobility through a seminar at university on mathematical transport planning.

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What is… New Mobility?

What is… New Mobility?

“New Mobility” is often referred to as “smart mobility” and is a collective term for many innovations relating to technology and mobility. These new mobility services combine digitalisation with traditional mobility and use the advantages of the internet. New mobility services include bike sharing, demand-responsive transport, ride hailing and smart parking.

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