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Do we still need our own car? What will our cityscape look like in 20 years? What needs do rural regions have? Which clever minds in the industry think mobility and how? And what do on-demand services and mobility analytics have to do with all this? Questions that we ask ourselves every day in our work and to which we – at least now and then – note our answers and thoughts. For you, for us, for exciting impulses, for more mobility and less traffic. 

Perspectives from the model region Saarland

Perspectives from the model region Saarland

How can public transport be made fit for the future? In the model region of Saarland, innovative mobility solutions are being tested for this very purpose. With their data-driven analysis, the Mobility Analytics and Consulting team from ioki has provided crucial input to drive forward sustainable and practical concepts. Still have questions about the model region? We do too. That’s why we have asked them here:

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What is line-based DRT?

What is line-based DRT?

Line-based demand-responsive transport (DRT) combines the benefits of traditional scheduled services with the flexibility of on-demand transport. Unlike conventional bus services with fixed schedules and stops, this type of service adapts to passenger demand.

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What is GTFS-Flex?

What is GTFS-Flex?

GTFS stands for General Transit Feed Specification and is an open data standard. Transport companies around the world use this standard to provide their traffic data on routes, timetables, tariffs, but also real-time information. This allows passengers to see if a bus is delayed and is not limited to a local app when searching for a public transport connection.

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