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/ Reading: 4 min.

2. May 2024
/ Germany
On stage for the first time: ioki insights live – moving mobility together
On 11 April 2024, we opened our doors to more than 50 customers. ioki insights - a regular webinar and information series for existing customers, as well as other formats - live and in colour for the first time. Mobility experts from all over Germany travelled to the event to gain first-hand impressions of the ioki product world as well as insights into on-demand transport and new mobility. Of course, there was also plenty of opportunity for networking and dialogue.
The programme initially included workshops with different focuses:


  • Our Director Mobility Analytics & Consulting, Michael Wurm, highlighted the trade-off between cost-effectiveness and the quality of on-demand transport services. In his workshop, customers learnt how ioki supports them in the further development of their on-demand transport services now and in the future in order to make them more efficient and economical. Participants were also given a glimpse behind the scenes of the ioki Analytics think tank.


  • Alexander Pullig, Head of DRT Platform, addressed the optimisation of on-demand transport in his workshop ‘It’s a match – tips & strategies for the ioki algorithm’. He covered the basic settings for bookings, the selection of the optimum vehicle and the best stop to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction. Many customers were particularly interested in finding out more about the various setting options of the ioki algorithm.


  • Director Platform Product Management at ioki, Denny Klisch, gave the participants an insight into product management and product development – from the idea to implementation. He showed the diverse stakeholder environment that has requirements for the ioki platform, how these requirements are prioritised according to various criteria and how they are ultimately implemented.



At the next item on the programme, the ‘ioki Marketplace’, participants were able to put their questions directly to the experts and take a look behind the scenes in conversation.

Product-specific focus areas of the Marketplace were the ioki Operator, ioki Analytics, the latest member of the product family ioki Route and the topic of autonomous mobility. There were also insights into our ioki Academy – our information and learning platform.


Next stop: Keynote speech by Thorge Storm and Andreas Bahr from VHH. The Hamburg Transport Association has been with us since the very beginning with its flagship project hvv hop (formerly ioki Hamburg). Thorge Storm and Andreas Bahr spoke about successful on-demand transport as an integral part of the public transport system in Hamburg.


The programme was rounded off by an exciting panel discussion on the topic of on-demand transport and why it is a gamechanger for public transport.

This is what the panellists had to say:


Janthe Rodenburger from DB Regio Südwestfalen: ‘For me, on-demand transport is a gamechanger because it complements public transport with its spatial and temporal flexibility, improves its quality and also drives change in terms of modernity in local transport.’


‘For me, on-demand is a gamechanger because it can succeed in convincing people of the benefits of sustainable mobility exactly where the worst conditions exist,’ says Johannes Loos from the district of Wunsiedel.


 For Felix Heller from Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund, on-demand is a gamechanger, ‘[…] because for the first time, on-demand really brings public transport to the people and literally to their doorstep, rather than people having to get to public transport!’


And Clemens Deyerling from omobi says: ‘For me, on-demand is a gamechanger because it is the means of choice in rural regions to make people mobile again.’


We would like to thank everyone who took part and are already looking forward to next time!




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